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Clothing syndicate decries renewed Friday lockdown
By Sarah Abu Zaid - Feb 28,2021 - Last updated at Mar 01,2021

Jordan’s Textile and Readymade Clothes Syndicate has decried the renewed all-day curfew on Fridays imposed to curb the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, which it said have caused losses up to around JD3 million (JT file photo)
AMMAN — Jordan’s Textile and Readymade Clothes Syndicate (JTRCS) has decried the renewed all-day curfew on Fridays imposed to curb the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, which it said has caused losses of up to around JD3 million.
JTRCS President Muneer Deyeh said that Friday’s lockdown is “not limited to Fridays but extends to Thursdays and Saturdays, too”.
“Merchants lose around 40 to 45 per cent of their weekly sales due to the lockdown,” Deyeh told The Jordan Times.
He added that Friday’s lockdowns, push people to focus more on groceries, noting that overcrowding caused by people rushing to the food markets in preparation for the lockdown, deters clothes and footwear shoppers, commodities that are not prioritised compared with food.
Deyeh said that “these financial losses have negative impact on governmental revenues accruing from taxes and fees”.
Notwithstanding he expressed hopes that the government would provide incentives and compensation to the hardest hit commercial sector, in order to boost sales and protect the industry during the current difficult crisis.
An owner of a clothing store, who preferred not to be named, told The Jordan Times that Friday lockdowns have a heavy toll on him and his colleagues at a time when most clothing stores are already in recession.
“Friday is the day when employees have the time to go shopping, this is why we sell more during the weekend. Now with the lockdown, people are focused on buying the necessities, with no time left for clothes shopping,” he added.
Khaled Al Sayid, an employee at a retail clothes shop, said that he hopes that the government at least shortens the curfew imposed on businesses to start at 11pm instead of the current 9pm, which could help shops increase sales and make for the losses resulting from the Friday lockdown.
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